Blog Hero Capital Planning in Telecom - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Written by: Bill Neill

Improving Telecom Capital Planning and Decision Making 

Copperleaf® provides enterprise decision analytics software solutions to companies investing in and managing critical infrastructure. In this blog series, Bill Neill, who leads market development for telecommunications at Copperleaf, shares insights from his 20 years of experience in the industry. In this installment, Bill shares a video interview and a white paper on capital planning in the telecom space.   

In previous blog posts, I shared why telecom is an industry ripe for change and why the capital planning process takes so long. This week, I’ll let someone else do the talking.  

Fierce Telecom recently interviewed Phil Jones, Copperleaf’s Managing Director, Americas. In the short video below, they discuss some of the most common decision-making challenges telecom companies have shared with us and how artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization can help.

My favorite part is Phil’s NASA analogy. 

The video touches on just a few of the challenges and solutions highlighted in our white paper Eliminating Barriers to Decision Making in Telecom.  

The Copperleaf Decision Analytics Solution can help you start making faster, better investment decisions today, and it’s easier than you might think.  

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you get more value out of your capital investments, reach out to me directly or read more about Copperleaf’s solutions here.

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